Funeral Services
We are a major provider of funeral services in the UK and we strive to set the highest standards of service and care.
Services we provide: Dignity provides customers with access to our national network of funeral locations where they can arrange a funeral personal to their needs. Simplicity Cremations allows customers to organise a less traditional funeral, taking advantage of Dignity’s national network of mortuaries and crematoria.
We are the largest single operator of crematoria in Britain with a significant portfolio of well-established and state-of-the-art crematoria that meet the needs of the local communities we serve.
Services we provide: Our crematoria provide a range of cremation services, from basic unattended cremations to traditional full services. Our extensive, peaceful grounds allow clients to remember their loved ones in a very personal way.
Pre-arranged funeral plans
We are one of the UK's largest providers of prearranged funeral plans and we continue to strengthen our business in this growing market.
Services we provide: Our pre-need business allows clients to pre-arrange their funeral through our national network of funeral locations and established relationships with many affinity partners.
Our purpose and vision
Our purpose
Our customers are at the heart of what we do. We are here to help them at one of the most difficult times in their lives and we are honoured to serve the communities we are part of.
Listening to our customers and understanding their changing attitudes, lifestyles and expectations must continue to drive what we do as a business.
Technology, Services & Brands
Our brands, products, services and technology must reflect those changing customer preferences and are the reason why we now offer enhanced choice and provide even greater value-for-money. The high quality of our offering, competitively priced, is how we will differentiate ourselves from the competition, both nationally and locally.
Our People & Culture
Every day we want to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations. We aim to do this through the continued dedication of our people and by serving our customers with expertise, compassion and commitment.
Our vision
Our vision is to lead the funeral sector in terms of quality, standards and value-for-money. To achieve this, we are building a more coherent, cohesive and technology- enabled business, one geared to meet the changing needs of our customers.
We are building a distinctive and powerful market offer
"Our market offer and brand propositions must resonate with customers and differentiate us from our competition. By providing greater choice, flexibility and innovation we are able to make a greater impact and deliver a better experience for our customers.
Together they enable us to make what is a difficult time a little easier for the families we serve."
What we stand for
- It's the promise we make to our customers;
- It's the quality of our products and services; and
- It's the expectations of our customer service standards

A regularly updated summary of our business and operations.