Henry Naylor Funeral Directors in Driffield, North Humberside
Acquisition of Yew Holdings Ltd
On 25 January Dignity expanded its presence in the north of England by announcing the acquisition of Yew Holdings Ltd. This will add 40 funeral branches and two crematoria to our network.
These businesses are located in the North East and North West regions and the northern counties of our Midlands region. In many instances these businesses are situated in towns and cities where we are not currently represented and as professional, responsible and well-managed businesses these funeral branches fit well with Dignity’s existing businesses. Over the next two years there are plans to invest £2.5 million in these businesses.
Dignity will also take over the administration of Yew’s 9,000 outstanding pre-arranged funeral plans, of which approximately two thirds are anticipated to be ultimately conducted by the company.
Mike McCollum, Chief Executive of Dignity, commenting on the acquisition said: “Yew Holdings Ltd is a high quality business and a great addition to our network.”
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