Dignity chief executive with Andrew Mitchell MP at the company’s Head Office in Sutton Coldfield.
Andrew Mitchell MP visits Head Office and Client Service Centre
Andrew Mitchell MP for Sutton Coldfield visited Dignity on Friday 10 January.
Mr Mitchell met with Dignity"s chief executive, Mike McCollum and other members of staff as he toured the company"s Head Office and Client Service Centre. Dignity employs 150 local people at its Head Office and Andrew Mitchell was shown how the Client Service Advisors help people to pre-arrange their own funeral with a Funeral Plan and learned how staff can help bereaved families outside the normal office hours of the funeral home network.
Mike McCollum said: "I am delighted that Andrew has shown considerable interest in our business and appreciated the high standard of client service that we provide."
Following the visit Andrew Mitchell MP said: "We are pleased and proud to have Dignity, a FTSE 250 company, headquartered in Sutton Coldfield. Promoting local employment and encouraging investment in Sutton Coldfield is an important part of my role as Sutton"s MP."
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