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Charity organ proves to be a popular attraction

Staff at James Scott Funeral Directors of Musselburgh raised £400 for local charity The Tea Pot Trust at the Musselburgh Riding of the Marches Gala Day event on Wednesday 27 July.

Charity organ proves to be a popular attraction

Valerie Chapman, funeral service arranger

"The Tea Pot Trust is an amazing local charity that provides art therapy at children hospitals to children who have chronic illnesses. We used our charity organ and had a tombola to help us raise the money. It was a fantastic day and everyone we spoke with loved the organ and thought it was a great contribution to the Marches Gala Day."

Irene Tait, chairwoman of Musselburgh Community Council

"The Gala Day was such a huge success for the Riding of the Marches. The day was perfect, the sun was shining and all of the stalls were fantastic. It was great to see local businesses being part of the community and raising money for such a worthwhile cause."

The event was organised by Valerie; funeral director, Pauline Denholm and funeral service arranger, Lorraine Lovatt.

Lorraine Lovatt, funeral service arranger

"It was wonderful to be part of the Gala Day and raise money for such an important charity."

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