Kathleen, Jack and friends at the hugely successful Coffee Morning event at Joseph Potts Funeral Directors in Blantyre.
Dignity branch causes a stir in aid of Macmillan
Joseph Potts Funeral Directors in Blantyre, South Lanarkshire, held their annual Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 19th September, raising a fantastic £1,000. Funeral service arranger, Kathleen McCranor, and funeral director, Jack Leggate, organised the Coffee Morning and opened the branch doors to the public for two hours between 10:00am and 12:00pm.
“We had a great band of helpers on the day including clients, family and friends as well as our local Macmillan fundraiser who provided us with t-shirts and pinnies to wear,” said Kathleen. “There are some wonderful bakers in the community who kindly made cakes for us and one generous client donated £40.”
Throughout the morning, the branch was full with visitors and there was also a raffle held to raise funds for the charity.
Kathleen added: “Jack took his Macmillan collection bucket outside the branch and walked up and down the street, looking very proud in the process! We all had a lovely morning and would like to thank everyone who helped us to support a worthy cause.”
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