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Dignity branch receives customer service award!

The team at Philip Ford & Son receive their Customer Service and Care Award at the Stroud Life Awards

Dignity branch receives customer service award!

Philip Ford & Son of Stroud were delighted to win the Customer Service and Client Care category in the 2011l Stroud Life Business Awards.

The awards ceremony is hosted by Stroud Life, to recognise best business practice in Stroud and the surrounding area. The judging panel consisted of a group of highly acclaimed business professionals from across the area.

Business manager, Hilary Al Rasheed said, "It was a fantastic night, and we were delighted to win the Customer Service Award, as our profession is service driven. Last year we were runners up in this category by public vote, so it was wonderful to hear the name of Philip Ford announced as the winner this year. The staff at Philip Ford have worked really hard to improve service standards and this award gives recognition to their efforts and achievements."

"After submitting a written entry on our service standards and the ways in which we have tried to improve client service and care offered by the business, we were short-listed as a finalist by the judging panel," added Hilary. "All finalists were visited by a ’mystery shopper’ to confirm that the client service offered lived up to the claims we made."

Hilary was also a finalist in the ’Contribution to the Community’ award, for her work with Macmillan Cancer Support and also the local Rotary club, but was piped at the post by a local youth community project.

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