Dignity's Sue Oakes, Head of Customer Services (left) and Elaine Neat, Performance Manager (right) receive the UK's Best Call Centre Award from television personality, Lisa Snowdon.
Dignity Client Service Centre placed 1st in UK again at 2013 awards
For the second year in succession Dignity's Client Service Centre in Sutton Coldfield has out-performed many household names such as Aviva, Barclaycard, Best Western Hotels, ITV, Phones4U, Royal Bank of Scotland and Specsavers, to earn the title of Best Call Centre in the UK's biggest ever research survey into call centres.
Representatives from Dignity were also presented with awards for Best for Calls, Best Combined Calls and Emails and Best Small Call Centre.
With two consecutive wins and five consecutive top 5 finishes, Dignity is by far the most consistent performer in the UK Top 50 Call Centres surveys.
The survey is conducted by market research company GfK NOP, the fourth largest independent market research organisation worldwide, with the aim of raising customer service standards in the call centre industry. The Top 50 was compiled by mystery callers made up of differing gender, age groups and background and the service tested for timeliness, ease of use, reliability, staff knowledge and personalisation. Each organisation received over 400 calls at different times of day and on varying days of the week. The full results were printed in a special supplement of The Sunday Telegraph on 8 December.
Nearly 1,000 guests attended the prestigious black tie awards ceremony at the Westminster Park Plaza on Thursday 24 October. Television personality and model, Lisa Snowdon, took to the stage to present the best performing companies with their awards.
"I am really proud of how we have responded to the demands of our clients who increasingly want a service that is personalised to them," said Sue Oakes, head of customer services at Dignity. "The scores of the majority of companies in the Top 50 had increased from 12 months ago, particularly in the Top 10, so I am pleased that we have been able to improve our service and maintain our position as the best call centre in the UK."
Ashley Williamson, head of partnerships for the Top 50 awards said: "It is essential that companies keep improving their customer service and the performance of Dignity over the last two years really does demonstrate that their clients are consistently treated with care and sympathy."
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