Dignity will invest over £3m to improve the facilities at Weston Super Mare Crematorium
Dignity invests over £3m in Weston Super Mare Crematorium
In October 2010, Dignity began to manage Weston Super Mare Crematorium as part of a new 30-year partnership with North Somerset Council. The crematorium was built in 1966 and due to its age now requires significant works to improve the chapel and the appearance of the grounds. Dignity will be investing over £3m during 2011 to enhance these facilities for the local community.
The improvements will include:
- Two new cremators with full mercury abatement so as to be fully compliant with the latest environmental legislation
- Extending and fully refurbishing the chapel
- Installing air conditioning and a new music system to compliment the existing organist
- Footpaths and access road are to be resurfaced
- Remodelling of the entrance canopy and extension of the covered walkway to provide increased protection for visitors against inclement weather
- Improved facilities for the disabled
North Somerset Council also bought some land adjacent to the crematoria site. In 2011 Dignity will use this to construct a 5-acre cemetery and memorial gardens. This investment will secure future burial provision and the memorial gardens will immediately provide clients with a peaceful haven in which to pay their respects.
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