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Donation to hospice

(left to right:) Antonio Alaya making the donation from J H Kenyon to St John's staff nurse Martin Webber, with St John's community officer, Katherine France, and J H Kenyon business manager, Philip Smyth.

Donation to hospice

J H Kenyon has donated £500 to support the work of St John's Hospice which cares for over 2,000 patients and their families every year for free.

Business manager of J H Kenyon, Philip Smyth, and funeral service arranger at the branch in Westbourne Grove, Antonio Alaya, spent an afternoon visiting the facility. The hospice provides a full range of services in addition to complementary therapies to patients at home as part of Community Outreach. St John's has recently been awarded funding to upgrade patient viewing facilities, which will mean a more comfortable experience in what is often a very difficult period for those families and friends who spend time at the hospice. Philip has pledged the support of J H Kenyon in helping to furnish the viewing room.

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