The Rt. Hon. Eric Pickles, MP for Brentwood and Ongar (centre, right) at Bentley Crematorium with (left to right) Dignity's Steve Wilkinson, commercial accountant; Steve Gant, general manager – crematoria and Michelle Hales, crematorium manager.
Eric Pickles MP visits Bentley Crematorium
On Friday 21 June, The Rt. Hon. Eric Pickles, MP for Brentwood and Ongar visited Bentley Crematorium & Cemetery in Brentwood.
As Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Mr. Pickles had expressed an interest in discovering more about the facilities offered by the crematorium. This new facility will offer reduced journey times for local bereaved families as until now the nearest crematoria were in Upminster or Chelmsford, 30 – 40 minutes drive away. Mr Pickles inspected the state-of-the-art facility which has a Chapel that is able to seat over 100 visitors with additional standing space for larger services, two large screens in the Chapel which allow for videos and photographs to be displayed during a funeral, a number of musical options, a loop facility to help those that have difficulty with hearing and facilities for the disabled.
The Rt. Hon. Eric Pickles said, “The setting for Bentley Crematorium is peaceful and beautifully landscaped, which I am sure will be of great comfort to the families visiting on what will be, naturally, a sad occasion. I was very impressed by the facilities on offer for services, and the air of quiet calm which surrounds the new building and its grounds. Visiting a crematorium is never going to be a happy event, but this new crematorium offers local families the chance to lay their loved ones to rest with dignity and respect in peaceful surroundings.”
“It was a real honour that Mr Pickles gave up his valuable time to pay us a visit,” said Crematorium Manager, Michelle Hales. “I believe that he was impressed with our commitment to providing a high quality service to the local community.”
Bentley Crematorium & Cemetery was officially opened last March by the Bishop of Bradwell, The Right Reverend John Wraw and the Mayor of Brentwood, Cllr. Ann Coe. It is operated by Dignity, a British company who have 38 other crematoria across the UK.
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