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Kings Lynn branch relocates to new premises

(Back:) Mr Mark Tyack, Civil Celebrant; Miss Claire Jordan - funeral service arranger; The Reverend Catherine Dixon; Father Peter Rollings; Mr David Fayers; Lee Nelson - business manager; The Mayor of Kings Lynn.(Front:): Mr Andrew Cook - funeral director; Miss Claire Jordan - funeral service arranger; The Reverend Canon Christopher Ivory; The Mayoress of Kings Lynn; The Reverend Canon Robert Fayers; Rachael Barber - area manager.

Kings Lynn branch relocates to new premises

On Thursday 26 November, R H Fayers & Sons in Kings Lynn had the Official Opening of their premises including a Service of Dedication to bless the new Chapel of Rest.

"The funeral home was originally located on Railway Road where it had been for over 60 years," explained business manager, Lee Nelson. "Due to the changing environment of Kings Lynn, we felt that we had to move premises and the funeral home is now located on the High Street."

Reverend Canon Christopher Ivory, Father Peter Rollings, Reverend Catherine Dixon and Mark Tyack all participated in the Service of Dedication as did the Mayor and Mayoress of Kings Lynn. Guests also included Reverend Canon Robert Fayers and David Fayers, the great grandsons of the business’ founder.

The following day, an Open Day was held where the public were invited to look at the new premises and staff at R H Fayers & Sons had the horse drawn hearse and a range of other services on display. Many members of the public attended as well as solicitors and local police officers.

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