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Local clergy bless funeral home

Left to right: John Laker, regional manager for North London and Clark Kerr, area manager were joined by the Mayor of Camden, Councillor Lazzaro Pietragnoli; Father Nicholas Crowe; LAFD President, Sarah Farrow, President of the LAFD; Reverend Paul Nicholson and Tracy Tempest, funeral service arranger.

Local clergy bless funeral home

A Service of Rededication was held at J H Kenyon in Hampstead, on Thursday 29 January following the recent refurbishment of the Chapel of Rest.

The Service was led by Father Nicholas Crowe and Reverend Paul Nicholson in the presence of the Mayor of Camden, Councillor Lazzaro Pietragnoli, and the president of the London Association of Funeral Directors, Sarah Farrow.

Business manager, Jim Gilbey, said: "It really was a nice evening and the Service was very meaningful. The clergy gifted the remaining Holy Water to the funeral home for clients to use should they wish. To end the evening, the Mayor gave a short speech and finally cut the ribbon to unveil our plaque to officially reopen the premises."

Other attendees included Reverend Paul Sinclair who is responsible for conducting many of the motor bike funerals, staff from the Royal Free Hospital and Dr Brian Parsons.

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