Left to right: Rev Richard Byass; James Gallagher; Mayor of Stevenage, Cllr Sue Myson; President of The NAFD, Mrs Sue Saville; Richard Salthouse and Chris Powell
Mayor opens new branch
The Mayor of Stevenage, Councillor Sue Myson, attended the official opening of Powell Funeral Service on Thursday 15 April at 52 High Street together with the Sue Saville, President of the National Association of Funeral Directors.
A blessing of the Chapel of Rest led by Reverend Richard Byass followed the opening ceremony, during which the Mayor welcomed Powell Funeral Service to Stevenage and Mrs Saville paid tribute to the work of funeral directors in the care of the bereaved.
Funeral manager, Richard Salthouse, welcoming a wide range of guests to the ceremony said, "Powell Funeral Service has been serving local communities in Hertfordshire for over 140 years and plan to bring the same care and commitment to families in Stevenage as we do in our funeral homes in Ware, Hertford and Hoddesdon."
The new funeral home includes a peaceful Chapel of Rest, arrangement room, a welcoming reception area, memorial display, free car parking and facilities for the disabled.
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