An artist's impression of the new crematorium
New crematorium for Kidderminster
Work started in June on a new crematorium and cemetery to serve the people of Kidderminster and the Wyre Valley. The facility is scheduled for completion in 2011.
The new cemetery and crematorium will be set in 23 acres of landscaped gardens and will have full burial and crematoria facilities with a chapel of rest. The striking modern buildings will be set in a tranquil green landscape with wild flowers and grasses, rockeries and a pond with a wooden bridge. Access to the buildings will be through a tree-lined avenue.
This project is the result of a partnership between Wyre Forest District Council and Dignity and once completed, the facility will be managed by Dignity on behalf of the Council.
Councillor Tracey Onslow, Wyre Forest District Council's Cabinet Member for Community & Partnership Services said: “We are pleased to work with Dignity on this project and I am sure that families will appreciate the thoughtful design and careful planning that has gone into this development.”
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