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Pedalling for pounds

Cyclists from Selim Smith & Co setting of on their sponsored cycle for Macmillan.

Pedalling for pounds

Cheltenham funeral directors, Selim Smith & Co, took to the roads on Friday 26 September to visit nine local Macmillan Coffee Mornings on a sponsored cycle.

Six members of staff from the branch participated in a sponsored bike ride around Cheltenham visiting Coffee Mornings in Charlton Kings Social Club, Gilbert Ward Court assisted homes, East Gloucester Sports Club, Perry Bishop and Leader estate agents, St Andrews URC Church, P3 Homeless Project, Holiday Inn, Crabtree and Evelyn and finally Multi York furniture retailers.

Business manager, David Stephenson, said: “We had a great time filling up with tea and cakes at each stop. All of the locations were expecting us and knew who we were and where we were from, so it was a very good bit of publicity for us, whilst also helping raise funds for charity.”

Joining David on their bikes were funeral service arrangers, Laura Bowkett and Alison Edwards; funeral director, Amanda Davies, and funeral service operatives, Jim Hewitt and Ryan Barry.

The team from Selim Smith & Co raised over £100 for Macmillan through sponsorships from friends and family and even met the Mayor on their travels.

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