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VIP’s visit J H Kenyon for Churchill funeral lecture

Sir Nicholas Soames, MP and Lady Charlotte Peel with J H Kenyon's Philip Smyth.

VIP’s visit J H Kenyon for Churchill funeral lecture

The Rt. Hon Sir Nicholas Soames, MP, was guest of honour at a lecture at J H Kenyon's Westbourne Grove offices on 13 October 2015 recalling the firm’s involvement with the death and funeral of his grandfather, Sir Winston Churchill, fifty years ago.

Sir Nicholas was joined by his sister, Lady Charlotte Peel and over 30 guests for the illustrated lecture given by Dr Brian Parsons. General Sir David Leakey, more usually known by his other title "Black Rod" joined the guests who included Peers of the Realm, friends of the Spencer Churchill family, clergymen, funeral directors and senior management of Dignity.

Philip Smyth, business manager at J H Kenyon, welcomed the guests and spoke of how proud he was "that our firm contributed to what was by any standards one of the greatest funerals this nation, and indeed any nation, has ever witnessed."

Sir Nicholas thanked the firm for its long connection with his family, including up to the present day. Guests left with an illustrated booklet of the lecture.  This is available from the branch free of charge.

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