The Dignity hearses carrying the unclaimed cremated remains arrive at Westhall Park.
West Midlands funeral directors hold service for unclaimed cremated remains
Dignity funeral directors across Birmingham and the West Midlands have appealed for families to make contact in an attempt to reunite them with the unclaimed cremated remains of their loved ones.
Business manager, Helen Griffiths explains: "All of the cremated remains have been carefully stored by us for over 20 years. The profession wide issue is what do you do with cremated remains after this period of time if the family do not come forward?"
The team in the West Midlands came up with a solution that was both practical and dignified. Following a sensitive and carefully worded appeal in the local newspapers it was decided that any unclaimed cremated remains would be individually dispersed at a multi-faith service held at Westhall Park natural burial ground in Redditch.
"It was a very poignant service and conducted with the utmost respect," said Helen.
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